Male Genitourinary Disorders: Orchitis


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Inflammation of the testicle (orchitis)

Orchitis is inflammation of one or both of a man’s testicles, usually caused by an infection such as mumps or chlamydia.

Inflammation of the testicles can also be the result of epididymitis, an infection of the tube that carries semen out of the testicles. This is called epididymo-orchitis.


Orchitis causes

Both bacteria and viruses can cause orchitis.

  • Bacteria that commonly cause orchitis include Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus. A prostate infection may occur in conjunction with orchitis. Epididymitis (inflammation of the tube on the back of the testicle) can lead to orchitis.


  • Bacteria that cause sexually transmitted infections (STI), such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis, can cause orchitis in sexually active men. You may be at risk if you have many sexual partners, are involved in high-risk sexual behaviour, if your sexual partner has had an STI, or if you have a history of STIs.


  • The virus that causes mumps can also cause orchitis. Most common in young boys (though rare in boys younger than ten years old), orchitis begins four to six days after mumps begins. Some boys will develop orchitis from mumps and end up with a condition called testicular atrophy (shrinking of the testicles). That is why it is so critical for all children, boys especially, to have vaccinations to protect them from getting mumps.


  • You may be at risk of non-sexually transmitted orchitis if you have not had appropriate vaccination against mumps, if you get urinary tract infections, if you are older than 45, or if you frequently have a catheter placed into your bladder.


*If you are unsure about the cause of your testicular pain ensure you speak to a doctor or nurse at your haemophilia centre immediately.


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Source: WebMD